Industry Training
Virtual Training Pogramme Topics

The Fostering Digital Transformation in the Textile Industry virtual training platform is an Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnership funded programme and supports the delivery of a novel online virtual training platform that would engage business leaders in digital transformation particularly in the textile SME sector.
The platform will aim to show industry the value and potential of Digitalisation and equip Engineers and Managers with the knowledge to drive digital transformation in their companies.
The online training platform will be a research-informed evidence-driven series and the focus will go beyond the discussion of technology solutions to business value and new business models and skillsets.

Topic 01: Digital Maturity
An overview of Digital Transformation and Advanced Manufacturing. Digital maturity self-assessment tools: ADMA Maturity Scans, Digital Readiness Index, Automation Assessment Tool. A review of Industry 4.0 and key enabling technologies. Development of a Digitalisation Strategy and Value Creation.
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Topic 02: New Business Models
Smarter products, processes and people. Development of platforms, tools, product and service offering to increase customer value. Digital innovation in design, embedded intelligence in products, connectivity and product lifecycle management (PLM). Design for resource efficient and sustainable production. Digital leadership, talent development and workforce change.
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Topic 03: Data Acquisition and Visualisation
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and Machine/Plant factory networks. Data acquisition from shop-floor systems and increased sensorisation (logic, measurement, vision) enabling real-time access to data and intelligence throughout the business, giving actionable insights. Best practice in data visualisation and dashboards.
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Topic 04: Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
An overview of statistical process control, data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Data analytic tools, platforms and systems for predictive capacity and adaptability. Time series datasets and automated extraction of business intelligence. Process optimisation, reduced costs and sustainable production operations through key performance metrics. Applications of AI.
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Topic 05: Smart Maintenance and Smart Industrial Control Systems
An overview of smart maintenance systems and asset management, condition-based monitoring, predictive maintenance and zero-touch management. Remote support for maintenance. Adopting a “data- and insight-centric approach” to equipment for OEE, adaptability and resilience. Provision of technical services in factories and identification of significant energy-reduction operations (SEROs). An overview of industrial automation and controls systems (PLCs, SCADA) , product identification and tracking solutions (Barcode, RFID, vision systems) and database applications. Integration of operational technology (OT) with information technology (IT) systems. Fog and Edge Computing solutions. Integration with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and quality control applications. Aspects of cloud computing and cybersecurity.
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Topic 06: Collaborative Robotic Systems
An overview of Robots, Cobots and Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) applications. The business case for increased robotics and flexible manufacturing cells. Collaborative robots assisting production operators to increase capacity and reduce errors. Applications of mobile robotics for warehousing and order fulfilment and logistics operations.
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Topic 07: Digitalisation of Production
Digital Engineering and Design, Development of Digital Twins of discrete production processes. Manufacturing simulations. Orchestrating creativity and optimisation of production systems. Applications of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in model-based design, engineering and skills development.
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Case Studies
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‘Technology is the enabler and people are the leaders’.
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DI4TEX project (Fostering digital transformation in the textile industry; project reference number KA210-VET-DDE7F72A) is co-funded by European Union.
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